Beyond x, y, z axes: Pure, Precious, Priceless, Posts.

Saturday 21 February 2009

Ask, Ask, Ask!

Ask yourself these two questions every day.
  1. Did I Ask?
  2. Do I Ask?

Ask for what?
Ask for:

  • Help.
  • Answer(s).
  • Advise.
  • Counseling.
  • Mentoring.
  • Coaching.
  • Teaching.

Ask... How?
Yeah! that too.
It could be anything, that you may be contemplating/struggling/yearning to find/learn about.
As, Life is all about Learning, Un-Learning and Re-Learning.

The mind is always at work. It's seldom "As still as a mill pond".
It throws up several ideas, thoughts,options,opinions, etc.

Constantly,we mull/go over them, within our very own personal mind spaces, and more often than not, we get to shelve it/them, as we do not have the right answer(s)/solution(s) with us, at that point of time.

We do communicate silently, within our minds, with ourselves, in search of the best answer(s).
To the best of our capability.
If we succeed, we act and enact that thought, into action.
Only if we succeed, not other wise.
We, as in we, within our own personal mind space.
Through self talk.

If we do not succeed we move on.
We drop that/those thought(s).
There after, the dissolution of thought(s) takes place, within our mind, and we get to forget too.
As a result we fail to act on that/those piece(s) of thought(s).
In the bargain, we loose several ideas that may other wise have turned into lucrative results as possible opportunities..

We fail to Ask, Ask, Ask.

The question is why don't we ask others?
Why do we hesitate to ask?
Why don't we ideate?

We don't, as we have an ego that stops us from doing so.
We shy away from asking, despite the fact that God bestowed us with a very powerful tool, that helps us to reach out and possibly get to set our minds, align them too, with others'. Through the power of speech/effective communication.

We seldom if not ever, use that power as effectively as it could be, to find answers and solutions, by asking others, who may have the possible solution(s) and answers, with them.

Well, we are all Grown Ups now, and we know all, that's why we dont ask.
We hesitate, we procrastinate, we develop inhibitions.

As children! we would always Ask, Ask, Ask...even the smallest of the doubts.
We would relentlessly seek the clarification/answer till we got it.
We grew up that way, till we were classified as Grown Ups.

Now as Grown Ups:

  • We Hesitate.
  • We Fear.
  • We have second thoughts.
  • We shy away.
  • We have reservations/inhibitions.

Just sit back and peek into your child hood days... how questy, vocal, and persevering, you were then.
How open and communicative you were.
And you would get the solutions too.

As you would Ask, Ask, Ask...only then, as a child.
Till, you would, at times, irritate the person(s) being asked.
You did that, till you grew up!
Then you stopped, as now as a grown up, you either knew all...or decided to stop asking.
And now, you dont... Ask at all!
As a result, you have either stunted your growth, or have decided to not to grow.

No wonder then, those who dont...they stop(ped) growing too.
Growing in the real a complete Human.

We all know that lifes' learning curve, grows linearly upwards, till our last breath.
We also know that there are several Humans on this earth who know more than we do.

Then why stunt that growth.
Instead, why not continue to grow, by shedding our inhibitions and getting back to the basics of inquisitiveness.
Why not Ask, Ask, Ask!
No sane person(s) on this earth will ever deny you the solution/answer if he has that with him/her.

Only if you humbly reach out to him/her, as a fellow human:
  1. Politely,with an open mind.
  2. For good/noble intentions.
  3. In good faith; for a sound non commercial purpose(s).
Now,you will need to do that this way, as you are a grown up, and are no longer controlled by an under developed, well meaning, child like mind.
You are now governed by an over developed all knowing, mind.

Hence those three per functionary tethers.

Dont believe me?
Ask somebody Now! and see for yourself.
Not as a Grown up, but as a Child, that you once were.
Once you are convinced that it works...dont stop.

Ask, Ask, Ask...Till your last breath.
Ask in person, through a mediator, or use the tremendous power of the Net, that is now available to you, at you finger tips.

If you fail...dont dismay!
Now, this the second time round,as a Grown Up! Ask, Ask, Ask.
Ask the Almighty.
Through prayer(s).

Seek a solution that way,and you will get it.
For sure.
Provided, you are still bound by the three tethers, mentioned above.

Ask to a new found glory.


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