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Saturday 30 May 2009

Certain Thoughts!

There aren’t many certainties in this life.
If there are any certainties in this Life that we could count on, they are:

1) Our Thoughts
2) Growth
3) Death

Thoughts happen for sure, constantly, and we endure them as we grow, to grow or not to grow. Till we get to die.

They make us smile or bring frowns on our brow as they emerge from our mind.
Our mind is responsible for all our thoughts that finally emerge from it, as a perennial, natal, borough.

We need to learn quickly to keep thoughts, or to get to get them throw, as they happen.
Else, we tend mull over the negative, destructive ones and in the bargain make our life a series of could be avoided…strife/rows.

Our thoughts and our thinking process as such make us what we are:

• As an individual
• As a Family
• As a Fraternity
• As a Society

Thoughts are nurtured, neglected, negated, debated, weighted, mated, abated, and sated, as we grow.
Grow we do for sure till we get aged and are now ready to die too.

Happily or miserably, depending on the combination of instances of thoughts we nurture, as cited above.

Unfortunately thoughts are intangible. We can neither see them nor feel them. A big handicap. We have to learn to live with that handicap and grow up as well. Sigh! As you journey in this life…wish you could look back every now and then and see a wake of thoughts all along, as then we would have been able to control, navigate and manipulate our thoughts, may be in a better manner than we as humans get to do, normally, in the uncharted course of our lives. We do not have that luxury as a privilege.

Our thoughts are and remain as intangible as ether. But thoughts make us act/react/pro-act/enact. Those very actions are absolute tangibles. Then why not consider them as a wake? Lo behold!

Herein lies the solution. We need to learn and master the art of watching! Watch your actions. Do that as a habit! Watch you actions and reactions very actively. As you watch, look for patterns. A pattern or patterns will emerge for sure.

Note those patterns; as you grow.
Now navigate your way through life by:

• Keeping and repeating thoughts that bring you joy happiness.
• Deleting the thoughts that make you unhappy and miserable.

When you learn to do so, you would have learnt to live a joyful life, for sure.


• The length of life is not known to any one on this earth.
• The way to live a happy and a joyful life is known to few.
• You need to learn to control your thoughts and be that few, as well.

Easier said than done, but with a conscientious effort one can master it. The earlier, the better.

In a nutshell that is Life. Why then do we have to make it hell? Why invite strife? Why not endeavor to make it pleasing and all loving for one and all. We can, if we learn how to reign in our thoughts as they happen. In two simple ways, by incorporating these two checks.

1) Identify, arrest, and negate the harmful thoughts.

• Shun them/delete them.
• Never repeat them

2) Identify, farm, nurture and multiply the joyful thoughts.

• Nurture them
• Replicate them

Thereby; live life joyously, every moment…till the final moment.

• As an individual
• As a Family
• As a Fraternity
• As a Society
• As a Nation
• As a Wonderful World


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