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Sunday 21 March 2010

Sparingly Sparse-Spare Parts!

As humans... do we need spare parts?
Yes! we do.
Medical science has now ensured lots of parts are being spared and wared.

I was mulling this now morphing situation with the nascent Automobile industries' history as a simile.
100 years ago we had not many spare part shops in our cities and towns as Automobiles were a Luxury.
Today we have them as a mushroomed affect .

50 years hence, who knows we will have spare parts in plenty selling parts of the human body as well, as openly as we have automobile shops selling those automobile spare parts, as on date.

Why will this metamorphosis take a shorter time?
Why not another 100 years!
Demand and supply will command that demand would be more than supply, for sure.
When that is the case it becomes a necessity and necessity is the well known mother of inventions.

Cosmetically speaking : Yes it would be the need of the hour soon!
The use and throw life style is now a way of life.
Who has the time for repair anything slowly and completely the natural way!
Ayurveda, Yoga etc. Regular Exercises, Physical games, in the open are few laborious natural means to rejuvenate the body but they just dont jell with the current generations' life styles.
Ask them to walk or bicycle, or lift some load.
There moaning and groaning will drown the sounds of their squeaky joints if at all they do agree and attempt!

Spiritually : No! It should not happen ever.

Never will you be able to buy and replace the parts that set you apart, here.
There is a core intangible part within the human being that has parts too, but no spare parts can be ever spared for that part.
They are ingrained and grown naturally.
They are to be nurtured too, naturally.
As a natural want.

The universal core components of that core part of any human being on this earth are:

Sound sleep
The challenge has always been and will be : for us to keep them well oiled, well greased, functional and operational 24*7.

As individuals.
As groups.
As societies
As nations
As a Global Village!

They are rotatables too.
They are subjected to both fair wear and tear and unfair wear and tear.
More of unfair wear and tear...these days, as a want.
Thanks to man made activities like: acute desires, materialistic life styles, and resultant stress.
In vogue popular de-stressers like smoking, drinking, drugs, Non vegetarianism etc. make matters worse.

The problem these days is more with incapability of humans in juggling of these parts naturally,and ensuring well being all the time. Procrastination and sheer laziness being two of the most notorious inherent ingrained unwanted strains.
As parasites.

Unlike the then prevalent life styles that did ensure the above were robustly maintained; say about a 100 years ago.
Slow and to glow on the go! was a way of life minus strife as is prevalent today.

As that is essentially not happening as a habit en-mass.
Therefore the demand is on the rise for those other parts that can be physically repaired and replaced.
To ensure continuation of a life full of strife.
In other words longevity.
As a modern afford-ability is also on the rise.
A pitiable situation indeed and a disturbing trend.
Existence; is stretchable.

If only we had the will to bend and mend our spiritual ways as well.
Life would be stretch too and swell!
Without the need to buy and sell spare times to come!
If only we could cull the prophetic demand by commanding ways of yesteryear, that control the intangibles.
The supply would never be a welcome!


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