Beyond x, y, z axes: Pure, Precious, Priceless, Posts.

Sunday 22 March 2009


QRB stands for: Quick Release Buckle/Button.

To harness in safely, within the ejection seat, all Fighter Pilots have to strap in, into a quite cramped space, in such way that all the essential parts of the body are able to move and execute commands, as per design in place, within the cockpit.

The procedure of strapping up is quite simple, but needs external assistance too.
The same is assured by supporting crews' supporting hands, as the pilot straps up. All the straps finally get housed into a circular buckle, located on top of his belly button. This contraption is called the "QRB." (Quick Release Buckle/Button)
Once you are strapped up properly, the canopy is closed to start up the engines.
The idea behind this strapping up is to help you eject safely, in case of an emergency.
Both on ground and in the Air.

Ejection, these days, thanks to technology, is possible at "0" speed and "0" height.
Once airborne, in an emergency, when we get to take that decision i.e. to Eject! we do so to, to come out of a situation safely, and " Live! to Fight Yet another Day."

Ejection invariably causes damage/loss of the aircraft as such.
It injures/kills the pilot too despite the best of the safety measures built into it.

A very expensive decision, but not as expensive as the life of a trained Fighter Pilot, who is actual the lethal machine.

It is always, the man behind the machine that wins wars. As, battles are won in the minds of Generals, and not on the battle fields.

Many a times while still on the ground, well before the aircraft leaves 'Terra Firma' in case of an emergency, Ejection is not the best option, and exit has to be made safely, quickly, too.

In such times we use the "QRB".
One firm/deft twist, and an inward punch, on the "QRB", with the fist, releases all the restraining straps.

They open up in a jiffy, and we are free to step up, and step out.
It takes only a few seconds, to accomplish this act, and emerge out of the cockpit too, safely.

These measures are ingrained within us,through thorough training and mentoring, as we believe in a two very well meaning quotes, that are a part and parcel of our daily lives.

They are:

1) Flight safety is paramount.
2) Live to fight yet another day.

Now what does all this have to do with a commons mans' common life.
As a reader you have every right to question me on that account.

Here is what it has to do.

Ever since I hung up my flying gloves, I have always built in a "QRB" into any thing and everything I have done, and accomplished too.

As I chose to live a common man's common life uncommonly, thanks to my second-to- none training, as a Fighter Pilot.

I thought up of these two adages when I descended down into the civil street.
I decided I would Live:

1) A Joyous life, as Life is paramount.
2) Live to Give L.I.F.E = Love, Inspiration,Faith,Encouragement - every day.

Let me share with you why and how.

With unique "QRB's" safely installed into any and every thing I would attempt to do, it is possible to, live a joyous life, successfully.

QRB's when installed well in time, help me to:

1) Get out of the clutches of desires, well in time, rather then regret later.

2) Say No! firmly and squarely, when I find my values are on the verge of being compromised.

3) Step away from greed in double time.

4) Bow away, politely, from challenges as well, in case I sense deviations from agreed to, plans and goals.

5)Retain friends and friendships, as I let him/her have the way they want.

6)Reject any thing and everything that may lead to a disastrous relationship.

7)Stop short of compromise, and rethink, so as to not to compromise on integrity.

8) Decide quickly, and help a lending hand to the needy, when in genuine need.

These are some of the life situations that get decided very easily, once I build in a QRB, into that situation well in advance.

Meaning: I decide firmly that, if such and such event happens/stage is reached, I would press the "QRB".

To set myself free.
Rather than Hang On.
Not, Cling to the Sling!

I have done that too, on several occasions also, successfully.
Unstrapped too, and walked out of it, both in personal life and professional life.
Without an iota of regret.
I have walked out tall with dignity intact.
Without any malign and hurt to spurt.
Minus any dirt as a in-the-bargain, squirt.

All of us whether in business, jobs, or in personal life get strapped up, into an ejection seat as well, without knowing how to and when to use the "QRB".

As, in these cases we seldom have external hands strapping us to begin with.
Even if they are there, we being selfish, self centered and greedy, we would rather not use them/those helping hands.

Ultimately; we get so attached and engrossed with that particular pursuit that we fail to install, for later use, the unique "QRB."

At times we kind of Eject! on the ground as well, in retaliation, and there by loose/damage 'our own aircraft' a lot, just like fighter pilots would too, in case they decide to eject on the ground, just because they have the technology to support that decision in place, and also the command and control over it.

An Incorrect decision that could possibly injure, as well.
Ejections after all, are last ditch maneuvers, to save lives at the expense of every thing.

QRB's, on the other hand, are an interim measure, to save both lives and costly equipment, when on the ground.
In the air, its always the Ejection seat first, that saves the life and once feet are firmly on the ground, post ejection, it's the QRB that sets the pilot free of the parachute as well.

As common people:most of our lives are spent in situations that seldom leave the ground realities.
We work and live with our feet firmly rooted on the ground.
However we tend to fly a lot on our egos.
We forget the ground realities very soon.
And when things go wrong, we chose to Eject!
In haste, and make waste.

That is why... I chose to build in well defined and designed "QRB's" into any thing and every thing I decide(d) to take up/pursue.
To come off it well in time.
In one piece.

Why don't you try it out too:
It's simple and very effective.
And you get to design it yourself.
For all your unique: life situations!

If you do that, you can also,

1) A Joyous life as Life is paramount.
2) Live to Give L.I.F.E = Love, Inspiration,Faith,Encouragement- yet another day!

Do that, as; The more you give the more you get!
Get... L.I.F.E. (Love,Inspiration,Faith,Encouragement)

In case you need help do touch base with me.
I would be more than happy to help you devise your unique "QRB's"


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