Beyond x, y, z axes: Pure, Precious, Priceless, Posts.

Saturday 28 March 2009

Ooph! That was a indeed a bad day! How do I turn it around now? Quickly.

To begin with: turned in late, the previous night, due to unavoidable circumstances?
Over slept too! as the alarm did not ring on the day.It should have but it did not.

Stepped out of the wrong side of the bed?
Burnt the toast.
Missed the office pick up?
Car/Two wheeler keys found,on hand followed by starting problems with the engine.

Rushed in, into an important meeting in a tardy manner?

Recognize any/all of those symptoms?
There you are having a bad day on hand.

That's how some times, days that are not so good, happen, and things get to happen in rapid succession too, in the so called "domino effect" way.
At the end of the day one feels stressed and bust out.
Wondering why did it all happen!
Their is a loss of appetite too at times.
Then insomnia follows.

That is indeed a bad day.
Happens too, once in a while to the best of us.

Now, how does one get over it, quickly, by putting it behind, as past, and move on!

I have been through such days myself, several times.
For no fault of mine things go wrong one after the other.

With experience behind me now, I know how to recognize one immediately, after the onset of the so called domino effect.
As soon as I notice the onset,here is what I resort to.

1) I alert myself and recognize that it is indeed on hand,a possible bad day!
2) I make up my mind that I wont be snappy at all, come what may.
3) I am extra polite and courteous on that day, and smile consciously too, as many times as I can.
4) I put off as much of written work as is possible.
4) I take frequent breaks to go and inhale some deep breaths.
5) I make it a point to call/meet some good old friends during the course of the day to detract my mind.
7) I call off meetings as far as possible
6) I walk back home.

Once I am back at home the stress factor definitely sets in.
I know for sure I have been through a bad day.

The next challenge is how to get over it.
Quickly and effectively.

Here are some activities that help lessen the stress and invite sleep early, too.

Choose the one(s) that fit your schedule and time on hand, matching your energy levels as well, once you are at the fag end of your day.
Plan the rest of the evening accordingly, doing one/couple of these activities.

1. Switch off your mobile set as soon as you can.
2. Spend quality time with your best friend and share the happenings if you can, with him/her.
3. Spend time with children.
4. Listen to music that you love.
5. Meditate for at least 30 minutes in solitude.
6. Go for a work out.
7. Play an outdoor team game.
8. Do some creative activity,like playing your favorite instrument,cook,paint, pursue a hobby etc..
9. Get a massage done.
10. Go for a swim/take a cold/hot water bath (room temperature),just before turning in.
11. Eat a light dinner either at home, or at your favorite restaurant with family/friend(s).
12. Write a hand written letter to somebody you know/love.
13. Help your spouse in the kitchen chores if you can.
14. Help yourself to your favorite drink/chocolate in moderate quantities.
15. Pray in solitude with your favorite incense sticks lit up,and thank God with a sense of gratitude, for the good ones, that preceded this, the bad one.
16. Hit the sack early.
17. Read a light book so as to invite sleep and avoid insomnia.

If you are able to accomplish some of these activities before you turn in, I am sure you would not only sleep sound, but also wake up with the lark, fresh and rejuvenated.


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