Beyond x, y, z axes: Pure, Precious, Priceless, Posts.

Saturday 18 April 2009

Lie Low to retain/regain the Glow.

Unable to go the go, with the present global slow?
Not your type of a show?
Lost/Loosing your Glow?

Worried and bothered about tomorrow?
Instead lets learn how to retain/regain the glow.
Through simple steps that I am about to show!

Let us learn to dwell in the now!
The slow... now!
Here's how.

1) Dont stop! Go!
But, go Slow.

Become the tortoise and carry the hare in you, on your back.
Yes! when the going gets slow, you too should get to go, slow.

Time for all of us to unlearn our fast life paces; and relearn slowness.
Learn to change gears from the top ones to the lower ones.
Smoothly, both as individuals and as families.

To go slow let us learn:

Learn to slow down our life-pace.
Learn to slow down our expenses.
Learn to slow down our plans.
Learn to slow down our thinking.
Learn to cope up with the strife,on the stride, with a smile on our faces.
Learn to live in/with less
Learn to walk in the woods.
Learn to use the public transport; once again.
Learn to cook and eat slow food.
Learn to not to frown and grumble.
Learn to earn less and live in less
As a God Bless.

2) What's got to go, has got to go!


Let it Go.
If need be, throw!
Without a wrinkle on the brow!

Dont cling on to any thing that is not of any/much use.
Rework your clutter list, mercilessly.
From own thoughts, to other earthy belongings.

If its a credit card that is not being used, surrender it.
If its a car you are no longer using,sell it.
Not getting the right price;donate it.
Consider these current times to be as good as spring cleaning times.
Accordingly; offload as much as you can.

Do that and dip the hat!
Once done, pat the back!

3) Share, Care, and Dare.

Share whatever and as much as you can, with as many!
Open your heart.
Open your purse too.
Tithe as much as you can.

Dont worry:Remember "The more you give the more you get."
Give as you would; out of heartfelt care.

Yes: you need to dare.
Dare to care and share.
Share all that you can.

Dare to look at every difficulty as a challenge.
Look at it in the eye.
Affirm yourself and address it like so. " I am bigger than the problem, and I shall win over it"

Loom over it.
Loom to bloom once again, as you will for sure.

With a strong will and a slow pace.
With dignity and new found grace!

4) Lie Low - Spend Slow.

Spend slow, both: energies and money.

Lie low,like the Anaconda does; once its tummy is full and dry season is looming over head.
With advancing drought it moves from water laden rivers, to shallow water puddles.
From drying shallow puddles, to the shady trees.
Stays there too, till it rains once again.
It knows it will.
And it does.

As, tough times do not last tough beings do!
It lives and survives, to live again.

As its all about survival of the fittest.
In this the crazy " Economical Jungle"
We have created, over these past 100 plus years!

When you go slow, you retain energies/savings, for longer duration.
When you lie low you retain energies/savings, for longer duration.

When you do both, you retain/regain your natural glow!

So why not flow slow, with the slow flow, to glow!

As, slow and steady wins the race.


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